Music & The Age of Everything

The Earth has music for those who listen.

George Santayana

mlog spring 16

There are many ways to tell a story. I myself am in the business of stacking one shape of visual code in front of another, and trusting that something is communicated. I type ’tree’ and you go ‘yes’. Which is quite magical and funny at the same time: how on earth did ’tree’ (what tree? where? why?) ever managed to squeeze into those black lines and curves?

Words are wonderful to fit the world into your mind. But your mind is only one place for that world to reside in. If a writer is really good, the words spill out of your mind and into your kidneys and over your skin. These are the words that don’t (or don’t need to) fit your mind. They become something you feel.

Although I love that kind of writing, there is a language I love more, and that is music: the most direct, ancient and universal way of telling a story. Like great literature, music can heal, connect, open, uplift and comfort. Like most of us, I’ve been listening to music all my life. From my Abba, E.L.O. and Blondie filled childhood to rolling house beats in the church-clubs of the millennium that promised us that there would be love -everlasting into the explosion of music I enjoy in the current ‘Age of Everything’, as I like to call it.

This Age of Everything that is happening right now is characterized by expansion in all of life’s areas. All industries, all options, all emotions, all voices, all insanity ánd consciousness. (The Age of Everything is almost apocalyptic.) We need communication that can meet both the speed ánd spectrum of the beauty-crazy that is zigzagging its ways through our bodies, minds, societies and planet Earth herself.
Music is up for that. Like none other than Plato reminds us that “Music is a moral law. It gives soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, and charm and gaiety to life and to everything.”


I am delighted to stop talking in a moment, and invite you into another story, a Spring tale. The playlist that awaits you is like Spring itself; bursting with surprise. See what speaks to you and go with the artists-shamans and rhythms that pull you in (Spotify is a great tool for discovering music).

Enjoy, don’t forget to dance right in the middle of your Age of Everything. Subscribe to the my Spotify channel if you dig -and let me know what you think!

Keep blooming,
