The Problem with Being Right

Last week, I had an innerpreneur-relapse on social media. For some years now, my country is divided over a traditional holiday called Sinterklaas, a Santa Clause predecessor that delivers gifts to children that have been good. He’s assisted by a persona called zwarte Piet, ‘black Pete’, whose historical roots prove no mystery when you consider Holland’s pivotal role in the Trans-Atlantic slave trade from the 16th through 19th century.

Door |2018-07-09T12:05:58+02:00september 10th, 2015|15 Reacties

My Fav Innerpreneurs: Maegan Melissa Honeybee

Innerpreneurship is a tribal thing for me. Nothing to keep me going than other people working their lives from the inside out. In this section I introduce you to the innerpreneurs that inspire me.  ____________ There are different types of innerpreneurs - like there are different types of people. Some of them are goal oriented [...]

Door |2018-07-09T12:05:58+02:00augustus 28th, 2015|4 Reacties
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