Laden Evenementen

Join Jasmijn and Geertje for a unique week of fearless fun in a retreat center set in rural France.

Under the guidance of two dedicated teachers, explore how the paths of writing and yoga can wake you up to your life. Each day consists of a dynamic early morning and restorative afternoon yoga session and two writing workshops. In addition to this morning and evening meditation sessions are optional.

There will also be plenty of time for exchange and exploring the beautiful land of Dechen Chöling. Parts of this retreat will be held in silence.


Jasmijn’s yoga sessions will be offered every morning and afternoons. The classes will be breath-oriented. It is a principle that when applied with intent and intelligence, can create a powerful experience of opening your mind and heart.

The yoga session during this retreat will help you to nurture yourself, exploring your own personal boundaries, both inside and out, and on exploring vinyasa-based yoga that is both relaxed and stimulating, restful and energizing. She will be working at a slow but deep pace, asking you to feel each step of the way, working your way towards new edges of both body and mind.

Evening sessions will be more restful, restorative, yin and with focus on the breath and meditation. In all yoga sessions, Jasmijn will emphasize the themes we are exploring during this retreat.


Geertje offers writing sessions in the morning and late afternoon. They are based on ‘writing practice’, short timed writings, developed by zen practitioner and writer Natalie Goldberg. Writing practice offers the possibility to connect to writing as a practice with few rules and lots of free-flowing creativity and meditative elements.

You don’t have to consider yourself a writer to participate in the writings parts of the retreat. You won’t have to create an end product. By moving your body and pen, you open your heart and mind to the magic of simply being alive. You don’t have to bring a writing project -but if you do, there is free time in the afternoon to work on it.

About the program

All parts of the program are suitable for everybody – all levels of experience. If you are new to yoga, this retreat is a great opportunity to be introduced to a vinyasa practice and to gain a direct experience of its great benefits on your body and mind! No writing experience required, as we look for a ‘Beginner’s Mind’. Feel free to bring one!

You practice yoga, twice a day, in the morning and afternoon. During the day we offer guided writing practice and exercises, group exchange and optional meditation. In the afternoons and evenings there is plenty time for play, relaxing, walking, reading and writing. Together we create an environment where we can drop down our bodies, our minds, our lives, each in our own way and pace. And delicious veggie cuisine and free time to relax, write and wander around the beautiful landscape.

Bring: Yoga mat, any props you might want to bring such as blocks, belt, etc, and for the writing:  notebooks and fast-writing pens.


Arrival day
(Oct 30): Orientation talk at 8 pm. You’re invited to come as of 5 pm in order to register and settle in your room. Diner is served at 6.45 pm.

End of program (Nov 5): Closing circle and Banquet in the evening.

Departure day (Nov 6): You may live anytime (no program). You’re welcome to stay until lunch included.

Daily program schedule:

7:15 – 7:45 Little snack

8:00 – 9:15 Yoga with Jasmijn

9:15 – 9:45 Breakfast

9:45 – 11:00 Free time

11:00 – 12:30 Writing with Geertje

12:30 – 13:30 Lunch

13:30 – 16:15 Free time

16:15 – 17:15 Reading groups with Geertje

17:15 – 18:45 Restorative /Yin Yoga with Jasmijn

18:45 – 19:45 Dinner and free evening

More information and registration

Testimonies by previous participants of this retreat:

“All of you – thank you! I am so grateful for your time, wisdom, care and efforts. This retreat was really special and so helpful for me”.

“The combination of yoga and writing practices is a great idea. I have got so many benefits – I wrote a whole page on what I can bring home with me! Thank you from the bottom of my heart!”

“I’m such a ‘rational’ person, it was good to explore my thoughts and feelings again! I feel more connected. THANK you all! It was GREAT!”

“What a great combination, the two things I love the most. Thank you for reminding me of that!”

“Immensely powerful retreat which I would definitely recommend to anyone”.

“This retreat gave me more than I could imagine”.

“I hope some or all of these practices and relationships will carry forward – the week was a wonderful experience of community and self-study”.

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