Experiences with 365 Days of Writing2024-07-08T19:33:57+02:00

Experiences with 365 Days of Writing

“Every day, I eagerly await the email. It’s a delightful moment that energizes me! It reassures me that I can actually do it. (I’m secretly addicted). I don’t have to worry about making mistakes. I just clear my mind and write!”

Sanae Bihaki, ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

“I’m ‘only’ on day 70✍, but it’s been surprising and inspiring. I look forward to it every day. Thank you, Geertje!”

Zdenka Wagenaar-Gorissen, ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

“A wonderful, accessible way to motivate yourself to write daily! Plus, it allows you to see your own life from a different perspective. I’m nearly a year in, and I’ve managed to stick with it. That’s a huge achievement for me. I’ve truly become someone who writes every day. Thank you, Geertje!”

Coby Aarnoudse, ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

“Every day, I dive into my writing bubble, and it feels like a well-deserved moment with and for myself.”

participant, ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

“I started on January 1st, and I absolutely love it! The topics are incredibly diverse—sometimes hilarious, sometimes challenging to find the right angle. But every day, I faithfully sit down with my timer for ten minutes of writing. Sometimes my thoughts wander in all directions, but that’s perfectly fine. As an experienced writer, I easily fill those ten minutes, and my pieces even have a beginning, middle, and end! After just one month, I’m pretty proud of myself. Now I have eleven creative months ahead! Bring on those topics! I’m ready to write!”

Iris Knaap, ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

“It’s so much fun and surprising to do every day! Beautiful memories come alive, and sometimes I laugh at a prompt. Writing every day… wonderful! Highly recommended!”

Esther van Heerebeek, ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

“I explored myself in a way I never had before. It was a beautiful journey into my own life and my perspective on the world.”

participant, ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

“I look forward to your email every day; it’s such a delight. Sometimes I think, ‘what am I supposed to do with this?’, and then, voila, I end up writing even more than usual. I truly enjoy it. Thankfully, the year is still long.”

Andrea Aksu, ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

“I’m so happy with it. The prompts Geertje provides spark my brain’s ‘writing department’. It starts bubbling up there. Sometimes I skip a day, but that’s okay—the freedom feels great.”

Willemine Gort, ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

“Going through the prompts takes me to amazing places—sometimes grand, sometimes small. I pause in wonder afterward. And I still have 350 prompts to go. I’m so glad you brought this into the world and into my life. I look forward to the rest!”

Anouschka van der Doelen, ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

“So valuable because you don’t have to think about what to write about. Just wonderful.”

participant, ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

“I’ve just started. Bought a beautiful notebook. It’s so much fun to do. Sometimes I think, ‘what am I supposed to do with this topic?’ A few moments later, the words just flow from my pen. So much fun!”

Arianne Noorthoek, ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

“I’ve been writing a prompt from Geertje every day for over 200 days. I don’t want to think about this writing year ever ending.”

participant, ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

“I’m still so glad I signed up. A world that once seemed closed is opening more each day… Writing has become an endless stream of possibilities again.”

Wendy Beuningen, ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

“Every morning, my first thought is: what will today’s writing prompt be? It’s so wonderful to simply follow your thoughts without taking the lead. What a gift!”

Trudie van den Bos, ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

How it Works

Once you start your Writing Year, you’ll be warmly welcomed with an inspiring video message. For the next 365 consecutive days, you’ll receive a daily email complete with a personal writing prompt based on my favorite topics. And most days I add extra insights, reading suggestions and other inspiration to make your writing journey even more engaging.

“Highly recommended. Easy to start with, yet surprisingly deep. Those 10 minutes fly by, and there’s no shortage of inspiration. It’s also relaxing, and without realizing it, you process the experiences of your day.”

Silva van Aelst, ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

“Here I go; I set my timer for ten minutes and start writing. Afterwards, I feel my energy flowing. Writing is self-care, and receiving one of Geertje’s prompt every day is the power of 365 Days of Writing. I would recommend it to everyone.”

Etchica Voorn, ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

“The emails are a great motivator and challenge me to write about topics I’ve never explored before. It can be confronting at times, but I’m convinced it always contributes to my (writing) development by providing so many insights. I connect much more deeply with my past.”

participant, ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

“I’m so happy with this… every day, the inspiration and quotes that come with it… The feeling that even the smallest, silliest topics hide a whole world within them… Thank you, Geertje, you’re amazing!”

Riet Karsenbarg, ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

“This year has greatly sparked and directed my passion for writing. I have since created my own website where I publish my best pieces. I’m very active with it and get so much joy from it. I never could have imagined this at the start of my Writing Year.”

participant, ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

“I’m now on day 74 and have started my second notebook. I’ve also inspired my youngest daughter to start, and age is no barrier for potential writers—I’m 88 and still enjoy responding to the prompts.”

Riet Hulst, ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

“I love it. Exploring a topic from so many angles is so enjoyable! It’s about looking into the past, the present, and the future. I see my surroundings differently now—in stores, how people talk to and with each other, how they interact with their children, how they wander around searching or decisively grab something and put it in their basket. I observe people on the street, alone or with others. In restaurants, it’s fascinating to see how people sometimes sit across from each other, each on their phone. I can imagine all sorts of stories about them. And then I write about it. I find writing delightful, especially in challenging times.”

Ineke Top, ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

“The daily emails are such a wonderful boost! It makes me so happy to know that something related to ‘writing’ will arrive each day. The emails always bring a smile to my face.”

participant, ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

“I started two weeks ago, and I’m already amazed by what surfaces. It’s so much fun!”

Gea , ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

“I’ve been doing this for 131 days now and haven’t skipped a single one. The prompts are surprising and often lead me to places I never expected to end up. And if I don’t like a prompt, I quickly write my way to an exit. Fun! Highly recommended.”

Myriam Deroulou, ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

“I open Geertje’s emails with pleasure due to her unique angles. When I have to come up with something myself, it often feels like a chore. But with her lighthearted inspiration, I don’t have to think and happily pick up my pen.”

participant, ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

“I’ve been ‘on this journey’ for just two days, and I already notice that my Instagram posts come together effortlessly, as if in a flow. Just like during this daily writing adventure.”

Marit Karssens, ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

“I don’t have to come up with topics to write about. I don’t have to write long pieces or a perfect story. I just have to write… This makes it so that I (almost) every day write ‘my story for Geertje’.”

participant, ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

“Wrote prompt #330 this morning. Addicted!”

Vera van der Hilst, ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

“Thank you, Geertje, for the wonderful and valuable writing year! I finally chased my dream… I started working on my book, and the manuscript has been officially approved. It will be published soon!”

Tjerkje Van der Leij, ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

“During the 365 Days, I encountered aspects of myself I never expected, memories that were deeply hidden. I’ve become freer in my thinking. My creativity has certainly increased, and empathy and honesty have become more accessible to me. I admire Geertje’s craftsmanship and her ability to keep drawing from that well of inspiration!”

participant, ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Frequently Asked Questions about this Writing Year

Pen and Paper or Typing: What Do You Recommend?2024-07-09T16:38:47+02:00

Many people wonder which writing method is best for the daily prompts in 365 Days of Writing. Whether you choose to write by hand or type depends on what works best for you personally.

Everyone has different associations with paper and computer. While most writing teachers advocate for pen and paper—and I personally use it for my writing practice—I’ve encountered many individuals who find the computer just as intimate and convenient. It’s worth experimenting to see if your writing process and results vary depending on whether you handwrite or type your daily prompts. Some people discover they write more freely on a computer, while others feel a deeper connection with pen and paper.

Ultimately, whether you choose to handwrite or type your daily prompts in 365 Days of Writing is a personal decision. What matters is finding the method that allows you to write freely and enjoy the journey of self-discovery and writing pleasure that this course offers.

Will I Receive Feedback on My Writing?2024-07-05T12:34:38+02:00

During this Writing Year, the focus is on your personal writing process. Due to the large number of participants, I unfortunately cannot provide individual feedback on your work.

However, I encourage you to further explore the themes and ideas that emerge throughout the Writing Year. Many writers have developed inspiring projects and writing structures based on their experiences. If you would like guidance, I offer personal writing coaching to support you on your writing journey. You can contact me about it here.

Do I Have to Write Every Day?2024-07-05T12:33:55+02:00

Absolutely not. There are no strict rules here. Some writers use this year to write every day, while others take breaks as needed. It’s quite common for people to take two years to complete the Writing Year.

I understand that maintaining discipline can sometimes be challenging, but that’s exactly what this course can help with! The daily writing prompts are designed to keep you motivated, but you can adjust the pace to fit your needs.

So please, don’t feel pressured. You can save the daily emails in a separate folder and write whenever it suits you. The goal is to support your writing process, not to add extra pressure.

How Long Should My Daily Writing Sessions Be?2024-07-05T12:30:47+02:00

Ten minutes is manageable for most of us. It’s not too much, and not too little. Feel free to write for longer. Set your timer for twenty, fifteen, or thirty minutes and keep your hand moving.

Another variation to consider is taking the same prompt multiple times in a row with a fresh start each time. For example, if the prompt is “suddenly I knew,” set your timer for five minutes three times and step through that door with a clean slate each time.

Questions? Send Me a Message.2024-07-05T12:22:56+02:00

Feel free to send me a message here, I’m happy to help!

What if I Don’t Like It? Can I Get a Refund?2024-07-05T12:07:49+02:00

I’m confident you’ll love this course, but if for any reason it doesn’t meet your expectations, I offer a 30-day money-back guarantee. Simply contact me within 30 days of your purchase, and I’ll gladly provide a full refund. Your satisfaction is my top priority, and I want you to feel completely confident in your decision to join this writing journey.

Is this Course Useful if I’m Already Working on Another Writing Project?2024-07-05T12:02:44+02:00

Are you already working on a book or another writing project and wondering if 365 Days of Writing can help? I’m almost certain it will. It will tremendously train your writing muscles. Plus, it’s both fun and healthy to do some ‘free’ writing alongside your manuscript to keep the soil of your mind tilled.

What you can also consider, especially if you’re writing fiction and working with characters, is to do the writing prompts from the perspectives of your characters. This approach can also apply to autobiographical projects—I always advise my writing students to view themselves and the people they write about as characters. The prompts will surely open doors and tap into memories you might otherwise overlook.

In other words, yes, I believe it can be very helpful! Of course, it will take some time, but you can view those ten minutes as a warm-up. And you don’t have to write every day. You can collect the prompts and use them as a database to draw from whenever you want.

Am I Expected to Share What I Write?2024-07-05T11:55:06+02:00

No, you don’t have to submit anything you write! The Writing Year is all about your personal writing experience and growth as a writer. Whether you choose to share your work with others or keep it to yourself, the choice is entirely yours. I encourage you to first learn to let your creativity flow freely! You then have the freedom to decide whether to share your writing or keep it private.

Can I Take This Course if I’m Not a ‘Writer’?2024-07-05T11:53:01+02:00

No worries! This course is for everyone, regardless of your writing level. Whether you’re a beginner or have some experience, I will guide you step by step. The main goal is to discover your creativity and get your thoughts on paper, no matter your writing background.

I don’t value ‘perfect’ writing; I encourage discovering your own voice and enjoying the process. It’s about creative expression, not external judgment. Give yourself permission to write freely, and you’ll be amazed at what you can achieve!

Can I Gift 365 Days of Writing?2024-07-05T11:50:57+02:00

Absolutely! The Writing Year makes a wonderful gift for anyone who loves to write. Here’s how you can give it:

  1. Ordering and Payment: Place an order using your address details, but enter the email address of the person you want to gift the Writing Year to. This way, the order will be sent directly to them.
  2. Activating the Writing Year: Once the order is placed, the recipient will receive a welcome email with all the necessary information and a link to activate their Writing Year.

This makes it easy to gift 365 Days of Writing to someone you know. They will surely enjoy this inspiring writing journey!

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