Music & The Age of Everything (music blog + playlist)
Even though I love writing, there is a language I love more, and that is music: the most direct, ancient and universal way of telling a story. Like most of us, I’ve been listening to music all my life.The playlist that awaits you is like Spring itself; bursting with surprise. Enjoy, don’t forget to dance right in the middle of your Age of Everything.
When Your Blood Boils: on Chögyam Trungpa’s ‘for Anne Waldman’
Sometimes, there’s a poem that skips your brain and enters right into your bloodstream. Before getting it, it gets you. It becomes part of your cells and organs. You instantly forget how on earth you managed your life b.P. -before Poem.
On Habit Making (and Breaking)
I have a thing for habits, Which probably got accelerated by my studies in anthropology, and certainly by the lack of understanding of why I do the things I do. Human behavior, which is largely [...]
Anjaneyasana: Life As Asana (Part Four)
Dear Friend Who Shines like 10,000 stars, On Sunday my neurons were firing like mad and my attention span was that of a mosquito on crack.
Animal Song: On Maya Angelou’s ‘Caged Bird’
14 and clueless, I had no idea why the caged bird sings, but Maya Angelou seemed to, so I started reading and never stopped. Her stories expanded my world considerably and ingrained in me the importance of virtue. Of dignity. And maybe most of all, a sense of inner freedom. Or at least its possibility.
The Problem with Being Right
Last week, I had an innerpreneur-relapse on social media. For some years now, my country is divided over a traditional holiday called Sinterklaas, a Santa Clause predecessor that delivers gifts to children that have been good. He’s assisted by a persona called zwarte Piet, ‘black Pete’, whose historical roots prove no mystery when you consider Holland’s pivotal role in the Trans-Atlantic slave trade from the 16th through 19th century.
My Fav Innerpreneurs: Maegan Melissa Honeybee
Innerpreneurship is a tribal thing for me. Nothing to keep me going than other people working their lives from the inside out. In this section I introduce you to the innerpreneurs that inspire me. ____________ [...]
Age-Asana: Life As Asana (Part Three)
Remember telling me about things that happen to your body past 40? Nobody warns you was what you said? I was ambivalent to be initiated, but somehow ever since our conversation, I’ve felt more prepared for the moment I find my first grey pubic hair, and when that day comes, I’ll think of you, my friend.